JAMMU: The Central Bureau of Investigation on Friday raided multiple locations in Jammu, Srinagar and Bengalru including the “study library” at Akhnoor pertaining to leakage and sale of question paper of written test for recruitment of Sub Inspector in Jammu and Kashmir Police conducted by the Jammu and Kashmir Service Selection Board.The raids were conducted by the CBI after registration of FIR against 33 suspects for their involvement in paper leakage scam of Sub Inspector recruitment.
The raids and searches were conducted at 28 locations mainly in Akhnoor and Jourian area which includes residences of Sourav Sharma and Roshan Bral, a ReT teacher, both son and brother of BJP DDC member from Bhalwal Brahamana, Bushan Bral, who also run a “Study Library” at Bhalwal Brahamana area, Dr. Karnail Singh owner of controversial Study Library, Ashok Kumar, an ASI of JKP, Ashwani Kumar, a retired CRPF official, Avinash Gupta and Akshay Kumar, both owner and Manager of EDUMAX Library at Akhnoor.
The Bengaluru based headquarter of private firm namely M/s MeritTrac Services Private Limited which was hired by the JKSSB in controversial manners to conduct written examination for recruitment of 1200 Sub Inspectors in JKP was also raided and searches were carried by a team of CBI. In addition, one team of CBI raided a residence of one suspect in Srinagar.
The residences of several suspected beneficiaries of paper leakage scam were also raided which includes Anshuman Sharma, Aakash Jalotra, Ankita Sharma and Shubam Kala, Sourav Sharma, Sunil Kumar Verma, Jay Suriya Sharma, Rohit Choudhary, Ravi Kumar, Kapil Sharma, Paras Sharma, Sumit Sharma, Shubham Patyar, Sahil Patyar, Rahul Singh, Mamta Langeh, Rohit Langeh, Rahul Sharma, Dheeraj Sharma, Tarlok Singh and Sachdev Singh.
“The CBI teams recovered incriminating materials and electronic gadets during hours long searches from the residences of alleged kingpin of scam namely Dr. Karnail Singh and owners of others two study libraries in Akhnoor and Jourian” said sources.
The JKSSRB had conducted written examination in the month of March this year for recruitment of 1200 Sub Inspectors in JKP and result which was declared on June 4 got entangled in controversy after the aggrieved aspirants raised alarm over majority of candidates who were enrolled Aknoor and Jourian based controversial Study Libraries managed to get high marks.
Following strong uproar about leakage of question paper which was available in market for Rs 25 to 10 lak, the LG led administration constitute a three members committee headed by ACS (Home).
The committee had substantiated allegations of irregularities in conduct of written exam. Following which the LG immediately announced scrap of written examination and handed over the matter to CBI for indepth investigation into leakage of SI exam paper so as to brought all the guilty to justice for their criminal collusion and conspiracy to sabotage the process of selection of candidates in a fair manner.