JAMMU: Perturbed over publication of news item dated 20th May, 2023 on controversy revolving around deployment of cops inside a Shelter Home by Child Welfare Committee, Jammu as well as alleged ossification test of minor girl by cops while the girl was in CWC custody, Harvinder Kour, Mission Director, Vatsalya, J&K has threatened editor of JK Global News to refrain from publishing news on a serious societal matter involving alleged accused from influential political background.
On Monday May 22, 2023, the author of this news item received two missed calls first at 2:20 pm and second at 2: 26 pm. While responding to missed calls received from mobile number 9419106500, the lady while introducing herself as Mission Director, Social Welfare Department said “Do you want to run your news portal or get it banned and further threatened of serious consequences if JKGN failed to stop publishing news items against CWC Jammu”.
When we argue in a suave manner that frightening a Journalist is an unlawful act which at least not expected from a senior KAS officer and apprised the lady officer that our news portal have Grievance redressal mechanism which is headed by a renowned social activist and anti corruption crusader Prof. S.K.Bhalla, where we respond to matter of aggrieved parties in a free and fair manner, the officer without any remorse further said “I will see who has committed crime and disconnect the call”.
We have kept call details as well as recording of conversation with officer in question for further course of action as per law of the land, as and when occasion arise. However, out of curiosity to cross check the identity of the officer, when we visited the Mission Director, SWD office at Haj House in Bahu Plaza and enquire about the reasons which compel her to over step red line, she replied “I am busy”.
For information of learned Mission Director, Vatsalya, JK Global News is a legal identity established since 2018 as per guidelines issued by Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, GoI and is owned by a well qualified Journalist having more than 24 years of indelible experience in media. We are neither cowed down by threats of street urchins nor those occupying chairs in corridors of power.
Those aggrieved by our news item, rebuttal is the only civilized mode of medium for rectifying errors, if any. Moreover, at JK Global News prior to publication of any news item against anyone we always seek their view point. However, in the news item which pushed Mission Director to adopt threatening posture against us, we tried our best to seek response of Chairperson CWC Jammu on the matter. But, sadly she prefers to remain unresponsive to our calls as well as whatsapp messages.
Meanwhile, the CWC, Jammu has handed over the custody of minor abducted girl who was rescued by Bagh e Bahu police team from a room in hotel Ramada on May 16. She was handed over to parents on Saturday evening immediately after publication of news story by JK Global News wherein father of the girl alleged that he was not allowed an interaction with her daughter.
Interestingly, the CWC has restored minor girl to parents but some uncomfortable questions still remain un-answered
- If CWC order deployment of cops inside shelter home citing security and safety of minor girl. Did CWC issue any order too for providing security to rescued girl after handing over her custody to parents.
- If CWC has not ordered ossification test of minor girl then how it was done when the minor girl was in their custody.
- Did CWC nullify ossification test after establishing juvenility of minor girl as per her valid matric birth certificate.