For the active consideration of top Boss of Higer Education Department, the things are not in right perspective for the betterment of stakeholders as well as huge army of teachers and ministerial staff. There is massive resentment coupled with angst regarding the postings of Principals, teachers besides supporting staff in recent reshuffling. Amidst the clarion call of Prime Minister Mr. Modi for NariShaktikaran in every sector, the female Principals of Government Degree Colleges (GDC’s) in J&K UT have been relegated to the background with the intrusion of men folk as head of institutions branded as epicenters of Women Empowerment in J&K UT. This is a sorry state of affairs and needs immediate SOS treatment from the Raj Bhawan.
This is an evident fact that that exclusive women colleges were established by the law makers in J&K UT to make feel the female folk more secure and comfortable. Principal Secretary HED, J&K UT Mr. Alok Kumar and his band of learned advisors are advised to pay heed to the judgement of Hon’ble Justice M.B.Shaw and Justice A.R.Laxman of Supreme Court who in a land mark judgement while quashing aside the judgement of Punjab and Haryana High Court wrote “If separate colleges and schools for girls is justified, rules providing appointment of lady principal would also be justified. In appointing lady principals in the girls colleges, the object sought to be achieved is a precautionary, preventive and protective measure based on public morals and particularly in the view of the young age of the girls to be taught”. This is an eye opener judgement of SC for the consumption of administrators of HED in our UT also. Currently, two women colleges in Jammu region and one in Kashmir are headed by male Principals which become cause of simmering discontentment among majority of deserving women Principals of HED.
In the light of the aforesaid, it is expected of Hon’ble LG Manoj Sinha to take stock of the massive resentment prevailing among women Principals and take corrective measures to restore the confidence among women administrators of HED who are also competent enough to step into the shoes of male folk and excel incredibly as male counterparts. In the same breath, the HED should also take lead and set example of women empowerment by appointing female as Nodal Principal in Jammu as well as Kashmir to restore the dented confidence and dignity of women administrators who are second to none in any sphere. Discouraging ‘Blue eyed’ culture is need of the hour in HED, J&K UT. Sooner the better.
(The author of the article is a retired Principal of HED, J&K UT and views expressed are his own)