By JKGN Special Correspondent
JAMMU: Failed to removed one deadly tree which is hanging over one of the most busy road of city and awaits a major tragedy for the pedestrians and motorists, the thick skin concerned officers of the State Forest Corporation carelessly snores in deep sleep over this grave matter.
Despite apprised of the matter verbally as well as in written on their mobile numbers on Jan 11,2021 neither the Managing Director Vasu Yadav neither his “over burdened” subordinates General Manager, Mohd Ayub Khan and DFO Mohd Syed Sadiq considered it appropriate to remove a deadly tree which is endangering lives of passerbys on busy Amphalla-Ustad Mohalla Road.
“Sitting on chairs in public offices if any matter which is not useful to their personal pockets generally fail to moved them and most likely dumped as trash” said an official of SFC preferring anonymity.
This is the job of the SFC officials to remove any tree lying in the public places and institutions and posing danger for the public, said an officer of State Forest Corporation.
But why the concerned officer is abdicating their responsibility is mind-blowing, he added. Are they waiting for the tragedy to happened and then they will wake up, added another officer of SFC.
If the officers are not capable of removing one dead tree which has become a source of danger for public then they are of no use, said an officer of Urban Social Forestry preferring anonymity. Such officers need to be indentified and given compulsory retirement under recently introduced services rules.
Afterall SFC office at Bikram Chowk can’t be allowed to become a picnic spots for incapable and useless officers, asserts an officer of Forest Department, he added.
If the concerned officers of SFC can’t capable of removing just one deadly tree leaning towards road at Amphalla opposite Ustad Mohalla then its a matter of shame for them, said an official of SFC preferring anonymity.
JKGN tried to contact MD SFC Vasu Yadav on his mobile number but he didn’t considered it appropriate to respond. Neither the New Nawabs prefer to respond on whatsapp.
(To Be Continued)