JAMMU : In a case of corruption the Central Bureau of Investigation on Saturday arrested Chief Horticulture Officer (CHO), Jammu red handed with Rs 10 lakh as bribe amount, one middleman and carried searches at premises of both the arrested accused besides one senior KAS officer posted as Special Secretary in Jammu and Kashmir Government.
As per reports, the arrested CHO has been identified as Sarbajeet Singh whereas the middleman was identified as Gohar Ahmad. Both the accused were arrested in a trap laid by CBI after receiving a complaint from an officer of Horticulture department from whom the arrested duo were demanding Rs 10 lakh for settling promotion alongwith prime posting in favor of complainant.
During searches, the CBI team recovers Rs 3.5 lakh besides documents pertaining to movable and immovable propeties from the premises of accuseds.
The CBI also investigating role of a senior JKAS officer whose premises was also searched by agency sleuths. “We are investigating role of one Spl Secretary rank JKAS officer in this corruption case” , said a CBI officer.