LUCKNOW: The police has recovered a chopped body woman identified as Aradhana, a resident of Ishaq Pur village of Azamgarh district from a well in Azamgarh.
As per reports, the cops arrested an ex-lover identified as Prince Yadav for alleged killing of the woman.According to police, Yadav, who was arrested on Saturday, had concealed a country-made pistol at the spot and used it against police in an attempt to flee from their custody. The incident had come to light on November 15 after some locals found the body inside a well located outside Paschimi village.
The incident comes in the wake of a similar one reported in Delhi where a 28-year-old man allegedly strangled his live-in partner and sawed her body into 35 pieces which he kept in a 300-litre fridge for almost three weeks at his residence before dumping them across the city over several days.
Yadav with the help of his parents, cousin Sarvesh, and other family members had planned to kill Aradhana, who was stated to be in her mid-20s, out of resentment because she had married someone else and not him.