Jammu: Clerical staff of state under the banner of All Jammu Kashmir Ladakh Clerical Association (AJKLCA) has observed pen down strike for the third consecutive day. The clerical staff of all the state departments had observed complete Kam Choro Hartal on the call given by coordination committee Jammu Kashmir & Ladakh All Departments Clerical Staff Association.
Addressing the agitating clerical staff, the various leaders of the state clerical associations has urged the government for removal of pay anomalies of clerical cadre. Their association leaders alleged that despite assurances, the government has back tracked and not honored its commitment.
They added that the clerical cadre is the backbone of the state administration and are working from dawn to dusk with full integrity and dedication and are performing multiple tasks.
They also blamed the government of trying to silent the voice of clerical cadre employees who are projecting their long pending demand in a democratic manner since 2008.