Jammu: A delegation of Federation of Industries Jammu as well as Kashmir under the chairmanship of Lalit Mahajan, Chairman FOIJ and Ashraf Mir, President FCIK met with Dr. Nirmal Kumar Singh, Dy. Chief Minster in his office chamber.
During the course of discussions, Mahajan raised the issue in respect of problems being faced by industrial sector of state due to denial of Price Preference as per the state industrial policy 2016, delay in the adoption of ease of doing business by the PDD, implementation of JKSERC directions, decision in respect of simple interest chargeable on the outstanding payments of power bills and dedicated industrial feeders for industrial sector.
Ashraf Mir raised the issue in respect of non procurement of materials from the local SSI units by the outside contractors working in the state on turnkey contract. He also requested the Dy.Chief Minister to take up the matter with the Power Grid Corporation for placing the orders on the local SSI units under the Public Procurement Policy of Govt. of India
Singh gave a patient hearing to the issues raised by the industrialists and issued on spot instructions to the commissioner-secretary Power Development Department to resolve the issue on priority basis.