Unauthorised digging for illegal water connections indicts corrupt practices which warrants attention of upright Addl Chief Secretary, JSD, Shaleen Kabra. This unlawful practice is causing recurring revenue loss to state exchequer and wilful destruction of infrastructure worth several crores raised by JMC for convenience of public-Prof. S.K.Bhalla.

JAMMU : Vandalism of main water supply pipeline and properties of Jammu Municipal Corporation (JMC) for securing multiple illegal water connections gain momentum in several areas falling under the jurisdiction of Jal Shakti Department (JSD), City Division 1, Jammu.

This unprecedented development results in double whammy for residents who complains that besides disrupting smooth supply of water in area, the ruthless digging for illegal water connections has rendered majority of lanes unfit for safe movement of pedestrians especially aged citizens as well as motorists.
This is a criminal act and connivance of JSD officials especially concerned JE Vikas Sharma and AE indicts prevalence of corrupt practices, complain Waheed, a resident of Ustad Mohalla. “Providing commercial connection (1 inch pipe) for domestic use is entirely in contravention of rules and it exposed nexus of officials with violators especially when the beneficiary is a defaulter and still provided one more connection sans valid permission.
This is a matter of probe and despite our protest if still concerned officials remain unmoved we will escalate matter with all evidences to top boss of JSD”, he added.

Sharing pictures of unauthorised digging of lane by JSD staff posted in Panjthirthi on November 26, 2024 and December 3, 2024 at Ustad Mohalla allegedly for providing illegal one inch pipe connection to a consumer, another resident avers, “This is a grave situation. Those supposed to disconnect illegal water connections are themselves helping the violator with all logistic support. Repeated attempts by over enthusiast officials of JSD for providing illegal connections in contravention of rules to a violator speaks volumes about level of corrupt practices”.
Explaining reasons for mushrooming illegal water connections in Ustad Mohalla and adjoining areas, a civil society member told JK Global News, “Considering the strength of family members every house in the area are getting sufficient supply of water through valid legal connections.”The problem aggravates with conversion of homes into Hotels (PG Guest House) where every accomodations is jam-packed with paying guests against all human standards”.
To meet mounting water requirement for paying guests majority of consumers resorts to illegal connections by greasing palms of lower officials of JSD because they are defaulters in payments for decades and thus cannot secure additional water connection by legal means, said an employee of JSD, preferring anonymity.
On being contacted on the issue, Executive Engineer, JSD, City 1 Division, Jammu, Rajesh Sharma said, “We have received a written complaint with photographs as evidences pertaining to attempt of one consumer to secure illegal connection at House No 160, Ustad Mohalla and acting promptly work has been stopped on 26 November 2024, adding we are also enquiring into unauthorised digging of lane by staff of JSD for providing water connection sans valid permission to a residential building where already 2 illegal water connections are active”.
Further, when asked, what prompted the officials of JSD especially JE Vikas Sharma to restart digging of lane and punctured the main supply pipeline for one inch pipe connection to a consumer in question, he said, “One inch pipe connection is prohibited for residential purpose and action under law will be initiated against those found guilty”.
On the issue of damaging properties of JMC by resorting to unauthorised digging of lanes by private persons as well as officials of JSD for providing illegal water connections to violators, Dr Devansh Yadav, Commissioner, JMC said, “Vandalizing government properties is a serious crime and legal action shall be initiated against the guilty on the basis of complaint supported with substantial evidences”. No one is above law, he added.