By Arfat Khan
JAMMU: With alarming surge in graph of covid19 positive cases in UT J&K, the cries of myseries has start gaining volume among the common public owing to cryptic two set of rules for providing treatment to coronavirus infected persons.
For category number one: This includes new ‘Nawabs’ sitting in the corridors of power and partymen of ruling dispensation.
Though, there is no mention of any privilege treatment to these self styled Nawabs in rule books but by manipulation they got preferential treatment at state exchequers in Narayana Hospital at Kakral, Katra and ASCOMS.
Not only this, the qualified medicos are playing as theatre artists to beat the home sickness of these Nawabs in star rated hospitals in Jammu.
Ironically, the state administration is being run by them but still they feared to get admitted in Govt Medical institutions for the reasons which are known to every citizens, said one senior doctor of GMC, Jammu.
Second category includes citizens belonging to the low heels- Gullible citizens who are just seen as experiment toads in medical parlance.
On the name of treatment for Covid19, they dumped in CD hospital, Psychiatric Hospital and Yatri Bhawans where the sanitary conditions and food serve to the inmates reminds one of colonial era days, alleged some Covid19 patients.
The quality of food serves to those kept in these covid19 centres is below human standard, said one of the officer dealing with the one such centre in Jammu.
It’s intruing to see the quality of meal served to the inmates of covid19 designated centres when the government is bearing on the burden of Rs 800 per person on daily basis, reveals another officer. The meal is not worth Rs 150, he added.
Sanitary condition is another cause of sleepless nights for those admitted in these covid19 designated centres, added another officer.
With 510 toll, the total number of cases so far reported positive in the J&K UT are 20,081 which includes 7,140 active cases and 19,302 recoveries.