देख तेरे संसार की हालत क्या हो गयी भगवान, कितना बदल गया इंसान,
राम के भक्त,रहीम के बन्दे,रचते आज फरेब के फंदे, कितने ये मक्कार ये अंधे,देख लिए इनके भी धंधे, इन्हीं की काली करतूतों से हुआ ये मुल्क मशान…
These hard-hitting words were penned by patriotic poet Mr. Kavi Pradeep back in 1954 for the movie Nastik. The song features a pensive Ajit staring into nothing as he thinks about the state of post-Independence India. These heart moving lines of famous poet aptly fit into current state of affairs prevailing in the country where our politicians eyeing on pushing hardline agenda with no respect for Unity in Diversity and secular foundation of the nation.
The Maharashtra government has launched a campaign appealing to people to say “Vande Mataram” while receiving phone calls instead of the usual “Hello”. A Government Resolution appealed to Maharashtra government employees and officers to greet people by saying “Vande Mataram” instead of “Hello” during official or personal phone calls. It is not obligatory but the heads of departments should encourage their staff to do so. Vande Mataram means we are bowing before our mother. Hence, it is appeal to the people to say Vande Mataram instead of Hello. Greeting people by saying “Vande Mataram” will create a feeling of affection, and an awareness campaign should be conducted to promote it.
Hello’ is borrowed from Western culture and the word did not have any specific meaning. The word is just a formality which does not arouse any emotion. The dictionary says it was Thomas Edison who put hello into common usage. He urged the people who used his phone to say “hello” when answering. In my humble opinion, the Maharashtra Govt. Should have desisted from issuing such a circular despite the fact it is purely a private affair whether one greets with Vande Matram, Namastae, Satshriakal, Aadab etc.
Unnecessarily on the idiot box a debate has been ignited while there are more important matters of life and death affecting our polity. A significant section of our society is allergic to use Vande Mataram in their daily parlance. They may be having their reservations and let them play their cards close to their chest. Let no heat be generated and a peaceful atmosphere be the top priority of our Netas.
In another development Hindu Mahasabha has painted Gandhi in a bad light and the TV channel India Today has been telecasting the same since morning. Reportedly all the political parties have expressed strong reservation on the stance of the aforesaid outfit. Again what was the necessity of using certain objectionable words about Gandhi who is considered to be the father of the nation, whether some may like it or not. Uncalled for controversies and arousing the emotions of the people has become a fashion these days to hog the limelight. This results in frayed tempers and at times situation takes an obnoxious turn. But some will never listen.
In our UT Ms. Mehbooba is also famous for creating nuisance of sorts, so that she is sighted on the national TV. Recently she also spoke something regarding a hymn and L-G has hit her back without naming her. Again she is an incorrigible person who is always on the lookout of an opportunity to make her presence felt. She has also rendered a statement that the ruling party is trying to pitch Gujjars against Paharis in Jammu. Sufficient actions and reactions have now emanated and the show will go on for a day or two.
Pitching one against the other is most favourite movement of our political leaders knowingly that such ill conceived ideas brings little self relief and cause extensive irreparable damage to peace, communal harmony, growth and development of our country. The citizens of the country are real guards. Must protect the nation with open eyes n mind.