NEW DELHI :Prime Minister Narendra Modi today launched the 5G services at a function at Pragati Maidan in New Delhi which will provide seamless coverage, high data rate, low latency, and highly reliable communication. It will also increase energy efficiency, spectrum efficiency, and network efficiency.
Speaking on the occasion, PM Modi said that the launch of 5G services is a gift from the telecom industry to 130 crore Indians and a step towards a new era, and also the beginning of infinite opportunities. He mentioned that at the time of 2G, 3G, and 4G services, India was dependent on other countries for technology but with the launch of 5G services, the country has created a new history. He added that with 5G, India is setting a global standard in telecom technology for the first time. Touching upon the vision of Digital India programme, the Prime Minister said that the programme has a very big vision of development and its aim is to take the technology to the common people which works for the people and by connecting with the people.
The Prime Minister recalled that from 2 mobile manufacturing units in India in 2014, the country now has over 200 mobile factories, and also from exporting zero mobile phones in 2014, today we have become a mobile phone exporting country worth thousands of crores. He also said, in 2014, there were 6 crore users of broadband, and now the country has around 80 crore users.
5G’s direct contribution to the Indian economy is estimated to be 450 billion dollars over the next 15 years. The earliest applications of 5G will be in sectors with high digital technology maturity, like Industry 4.0, Smart Cities, and FinTech. With the introduction of 5G, India is poised to become a global leader in FinTech. Innovative technologies like UPI and RuPay are being exported to the world to help improve their financial systems. 5G will increase the digital literacy of the nation and will be applied in sectors for social development like Health and Nutrition, Education, and Agriculture. The use of 5G-enabled technologies offers an opportunity to make agricultural practices more sustainable and superior in yield. The launch of much-awaited 5G services will take India a step closer to being a developed nation as envisaged by Prime Minister Narendra Modi.