JAMMU : The Jammu and Kashmir State Investigation Agency (SIA) has filed a charge sheet against four Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) terrorists, including self-styled commander Talib Hussain Shah.
As per handout, the chargesheet was filed against Shah and his three associates in a special court for their involvement in terror activities at the behest of their Pakistan-based handlers, the anti-terror agency said in a statement here.
The investigation has established that the Pakistan-based terrorists Mohammad Qasim and Zia-ul-Rehman, who are residents of Jammu & Kashmir, used drones to supply arms, ammunition and explosives in the union territory. The supplies were collected by accused Talib Hussain Shah and his associates, SIA said.
The investigation has further established that, on the directions of Pakistan-based handlers, Shah had recruited many youths from Jammu and Kashmir and had revived the terror ecosystem in the Chenab Valley and the Peer Panjal area.
The SIA investigation also showed that the accused persons were also involved in the killings of people from the minority community in the union territory. They are also involved in creating fear psychosis among the general masses.
The accused persons have been directed to carry out attacks on security forces and vital installations to meet the objective of the secession of J&K from the Union of India, SIA stated.
Shah, a resident of Rajouri, and his Kashmiri associate, Faisal Ahmad Dar of Pulwama, were overpowered by the villagers of remote Tukson Dhok in Reasi district in July. They were later handed over to the police. Two AK-47 assault rifles, one pistol, seven grenades and a large quantity of ammunition were recovered from them.