Haryana: Responding to law and order situation in Gurgaon, Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Sunday said there has been an increase in cases of offering namaz in open. Khattar said that state is duty bound to maintain law and order. He was responding to the increase in the number of incidents of disruption during namaz in Gurgaon.
“It is our duty to maintain law and order. There has been an increase in offering Namaz in open. Namaz should be read in Mosques or Idgahs rather than public spaces,” ANI quoted Khattar as saying.
The statement has come just days after some right-wing organisations disrupted Friday Namaz at several places in Gurugram in Haryana.
However, police presence at the spots prevented any violence from taking place.
Earlier, right-wing organisations on Friday disrupted namaz at several places in Gurgaon, police said.
Police said they were present at the namaz sites and prevented any violence from taking place.
Hindutva organisations have been trying to stop Friday prayers in Gurgaon over the last two weeks alleging that some people were trying to grab land in a bid to merge it with a mosque.
There were disruptions to namaz at Wazirabad, Atul Kataria Chowk, Cyber Park, Bakhtawar Chowk and at South City, the police said.
Members of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal, Hindu Kranti Dal, Gau Rakshak Dal and Shiv Sena arrived at the spots where people had assembled to offer Friday prayers.
Ritu Raj, a member of a Hindutva organisation, claimed that they organised a havan at Wazirabad to stop the namaz.
They allegedly shouted slogans like Jai Shri Ram and Radhe Radhe to disrupt the namaz.
The Gurgaon Police spokesperson, Ravindra Kumar, said they received no complaint from any side.
He said police will take further action once they receive a complaint.