JAMMU: Doctors on Thursday staged a protest agains the Jammu and Kashmir administration’s proposed move to pool 50 per cent post-graduate seats from Government Medical College (GMC) and all seats of Sher-e-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences for all-India quota this year
Accompanied by medical students, the doctors staged a protest in front of the GMC office here in support of their demand for shelving the idea until more post-graduate seats are allotted to new medical colleges in the Union Territory.
The idea, if implemented, will harm the interests of the aspiring PG candidates of Jammu and Kashmir as we have a meagre number of seats which would be further reduced,” Dr Shushant Kharke, one of the protesters, said here. Elaborating further, he said if 50 per cent of PG seats of the GMC and all SKIMS are filled through the all-India quota, only 172 seats would be reserved for the domiciled aspirants. Kharke said the MBBS courses have been started at five newly opened Government Medical Colleges in Anantnag, Baramulla, Rajouri, Doda and Kathua but no PG seats have been allotted to these colleges.