JAMMU : Facing intense resentment from aggrieved residents against attempts of Junior Engineer Vikas Sharma to favor a consumer in Ustad Mohalla with prohibited one inch domestic water connection, the senior functionary of Jal Shakti Department, City Division 1, on Saturday ordered removal of joint installed for illegal connection and plugging hole in main pipeline.

TheĀ misadventure of junior officials was foiled with the intervention of senior officials of JSD who initiated corrective measures after the residents apprised them about unauthorised digging of lane for providing illegal water connection to one resident on flimsy grounds, said an officer of JSD, confiding anonymity.

While appreciating the move of JSD, the aggrieved residents of Ustad Mohalla have expressed strong resentment over delay in institution of departmental enquiry against concerned JE who allegedly ordered puncturing of main water pipeline for providing one inch domestic connection to a resident in question.
One inch connection is strictly prohibited for domestic purpose and untill the higher ups fix responsibility and identify those involved in this misadventure then plugging hole for one inch connection is just an eye wash exercise to shield the erring official, said Sikander, a resident of Ustad Mohalla.
Unauthorised digging for illegal water connections is not only responsible for disturbing smooth distribution of water supply in the area butĀ also rendered all lanes in our locality unfit for safe movement of citizens especially senior citizens. The erring officials of JSD are responsible for this mess, avers Sikander, a resident of Ustad Mohalla.
Demanding identification and removal of all illegal connections in the area, he further urged the JSD to ensure repairing of lane at expenses to be borne by the concerned consumer before digging it.